“Time to Come Home” or “The Conservative Lie or Whatever

Back in 2001, I wrote a piece for Moment Magazine about the Conservative movement.  It caused quite a stir, evoking angry  and overheated reactions from Conservative leaders.  Part of the anger, no doubt, was a result of Moment’s titling of the article “The Conservative Lie.”  I had titled it “Time to Come Home.”

But much of the anger was about my message itself, that the movement was not, as it claimed, grounded in halacha, and therefore was losing, and would continue to lose, members who sought an authentic connection with the Judaism of the ages.

Of late, there has been much written about the Conservative movement, born of the recent Pew survey’s revelation that it has faltered greatly in terms of members over recent years.

I thought my article of 12 years ago might be of interest to some readers.  So if it is to you,  I have posted it here.

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